Church in COVID-19

Masks are optional but encouraged by our leadership during the spread of the omicron variant. At this time, we do not plan on any additional actions such as seat reservations, and community groups can make adjustments to their gatherings as they see fit.

Again, we are so incredibly thankful for each of you and your earnestness to care for one another in this season. 

If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to our elders. You can do this via email at



There are people in our church who have/had jobs that have been dramatically impacted by COVID-19. We have set up a Mercy Fund for those who would like to donate to meet the needs of brothers and sisters in our body. If you would like to contribute, you can donate here. If you or someone you know has has been affected and is in need of assistance in this season, please fill out this form.