A Note to Parents:

We want to come alongside your family as best we can to provide a safe and engaging environment for your kids to hear the Gospel. All of our volunteers and teachers are committed members of ICC, have passed a background check, and have completed training in our policies and procedures. Caring for your child well is very important to us. Thank you for trusting us with your kids! We are so grateful to be a part of God’s work amongst the next generation. Please let us know how we can help you or answer any questions.

- ICC Kids Ministry Team

Checking Your Child In Before Service: When you arrive at Southside, go to the left side of the building near the covered roundabout. You will enter through the large wooden doors located at the top of the accessibility ramp. Our greeting team will look forward to meeting you at the desk once you enter through the doors, and will assist with getting your child checked in.

Sickness Policy: When child should not come to children’s ministry: symptoms to look out for: (fever over 100.4 F, vomiting, diarrhea, severe coughing, nasal drainage, etc.) If you have covid or believe you have been exposed to covid, please follow CDC guidelines.

Crying Children Policy: If a child cries without ceasing after drop-off for over 15 minutes then the parents will be notified. Parents can decide if they would like to allow more time for their child to calm down. If the crying continues for an additional 15 minutes after parents are notified then we will message parents and ask if they can pick up their child or assist in calming them. We can use this policy with some discretion. Some children cry at every service and their parents are aware. If we are able to manage the class well with the child continuing to cry then we can allow them to stay and/or wait longer to call their parents.

See Our Children’s Ministry Curriculum

If you would like more information or would like to join our Children's Ministry team, please reach out to children@ironcitychurch.org.


On Sundays when Assembly is not held, upper elementary kids remain in the service.

January 19

January 26

February 9

February 23

March 9

March 16

April 6

April 27