Our Curriculum

ICC Kids Ministry uses the Gospel Project Curriculum to teach our kids how the whole Bible points to God’s plan to rescue His people through His Son, Jesus Christ. We currently offer classes for birth-elementary school.

Our elementary aged kids (1st-5th grade) will leave the service during the sermon for an age-appropriate lesson. They will start the service with their family for worship and then return again for worship at the end. This allows them to start to see corporate worship modeled while also learning about the gospel in a way that meets them where they are at.

Below is some information on what the kids are currently learning as well as the songs they sing in class:

Older Toddlers and Preschool Topics for this Semester:

January 5- Saul's Blinding Light (Acts 9)

January 12- Peter's Prison Escape (Acts 12)

January 19- Paul & Silas in Prison (Acts 16)

January 26- Life in Heaven (Revelation 21)

February 2- Jesus Will Come Back (Revelation 22)

4k, 5k, and lower elementary CURRICULUM:

Unit 12: King Solomon

Unit Description: Although King Solomon was given exceeding wisdom by God and he built the temple for the Lord, like Saul and David before him, his grievous sin proved that God’s people needed more than what any human king could provide. While Solomon’s sin should have resulted in the entire kingdom being taken away, God was merciful and allowed it to remain.

Big Picture Question: What is mercy? Mercy is when God does not give us the punishment that we deserve.

Session 1 : God Gave Solomon Wisdom

1 Kings 2-3

Session 2 : Solomon Built the Temple

1 Kings 6-9

Session 3 : Solomon’s Sin Divided the Kingdom

1 Kings 10-12

Session 4 : God Is Good to Give Mercy

Luke 18

Unit 13: The People Disobey

Unit Description: Solomon’s sin of idolatry had led to the kingdom splitting in two. Just as the people were divided against each other, they divided against God. They continued to try to worship the one true God along with false gods around them. As a result, God raised up prophets to speak on His behalf and warn the people to worship Him alone.

Big Picture Question: What is idolatry? Idolatry is a sin of the heart in which we love and value something else above God.

Session 1 : Jeroboam Disobeyed God

1 Kings 12–13

Session 2 : Elijah Served as a Prophet

1 Kings 16–18

Session 3 : Elisha Served as a Prophet

2 Kings 2

Session 4 : Elisha Performed Miracles

2 Kings 4–6

Session 5 : We Are to Worship God Alone

Isaiah 44

elementary assembly CURRICULUM:

This curriculum is from Truth78. (visit
Truth78.org for more information about the curriculum.)

Unit Overview: God Always Wins is a study for children on the greatness of God in salvation. The study is designed to  help children see that God wins over everyone and everything. It also encourages children to want to be  on God’s side, and it helps them to understand how to be on God’s side. The study contains five lessons  that present God as greater than all and most important—there is no one like God. 


Lesson 1: God is Calling People 

Memory Verse: John 1:12

In this lesson, children will learn that the appropriate response to the call of God is to follow Him. They will also see that it is an undeserved privilege to be a child of God. It is worth more than anything else.


Lesson 2: God Solved the Sin Problem

Memory Verse: 1 Peter 3:18a 

God requires that a person be pardoned from sin in order to become a member of His family. The lesson teaches that everyone is born sinful. No one meets the requirements to be in the family of God, but God sent Jesus to free His people from their sin problem so that they can be adopted into His family.


Lesson 3: God’s Call 

Memory Verse: John 6:37 

In this lesson, students will examine the call of God in the lives of several people in the Bible to see that God calls people in many ways: 1) through His Word (Philip and the Ethiopian man; 2) through the testimony of believers (Lydia); 3) by creating spiritual interest (Nicodemus); and 4) through the conviction of sin (Zacchaeus).


Lesson 4: God’s Call Is Irresistible

Memory Verse: 2 Chronicles 20:6 or 2 Chronicles 20:6b 

In this lesson, as students examine the conversion of Saul (Paul), students will see that God calls even His enemies, and His people cannot resist His call. There is no way anyone will win against God.


Lesson 5: Are You Running from God?

Memory Verse: Hebrews 4:7b 

In the final lesson, students will study the life of Jonah. Through his experience, they will learn that you may run from God but, if you are called by God, He will not let you go. You will either respond to the call of God, or you will resist.