In Luke 10:27, Jesus tells his followers that the whole law is encapsulated in the commands to love God and to love their neighbor as themselves. How do we make the love of neighbor the animating force for true reformation of the criminal justice system? How does Scripture guide our love for both the criminally victimized and the criminally accused?
Matt Martens brings his 25-years of experience as a federal prosecutor and defense attorney to teach how Scripture provides several guideposts (accuracy, due process, accountability, impartiality, and proportionality) for loving our neighbors as it relates to criminal and social justice. better understanding how our current system operates and considering how love of neighbor relates to issues of crime and justice, we will be better equipped to seek true Christian reform of the justice system.
Topics Matt will cover include:
A Biblical Perspective on Criminal Justice: Offers a biblical framework for thinking about the concept of justice for both the victim and the perpetrator
Examines the History of the American Criminal Justice System: Inspects racist uses of the criminal justice system in the United States, from the time of the Civil War to the Civil Rights Movement
Assesses the Criminal Justice System: Examines the operation of the American justice system today, including plea bargains, assistance of counsel, the death penalty, and more
Join us as we consider how Christians can better obey God in how we relate to the criminal justice system. More info, including registration on United? We Pray’s website.