Serve the City

At Iron City Church, we want to be a church that obeys the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. That loves the nations and our neighborhood. We desire to see Jesus’s Kingdom come and will be done in Birmingham as it is in Heaven. 

Our church seeks to partner with organizations in the community who are already faithfully serving. We want to encourage the church to serve the city by being faithful to where the Lord has called us. We also want to empower the church by providing a resource list of partner organizations with ways to serve in the city.


We are looking for adults to serve in ICC College Ministry this school year! If you have any interest in mentoring a college student, helping with events, or being a part of a college small group, please reach out to Dustin Ratcliff.


One of the greatest disparities in our city that affects the long-term well-being of our neighbors revolves around education. We have the blessing of having a Birmingham City School, Glen Iris Elementary, on the same street when our church gathers on Sundays. We are trying to adopt and serve this school in every way possible going forward. If you are interested in joining us in this effort, please reach out to Olivia Pugh.


Supporting foster families from within our local church is crucial to living out the spirit of James 1:27. Every follower of Jesus can play a part as we seek to put the gospel on display through foster care. The goal for Iron City is to integrate the WRAP model into caring for our foster families. 

WRAP is a tool that helps the body of Christ to emulate the Father’s heart for both foster children and the families who care for them. It consists of four primary ways that the church can come alongside foster children and foster families. That’s where you can step in by joining a WRAP team. As members of a family’s WRAP team you are committing to Wrestle in prayer for the family, provide Respite care as needed, do Acts of service for them, and constantly remind them of the Promises of God. 

If you would like to learn more about supporting families through WRAP, please contact Emily Swindle.

For access to supportive resources for foster and adoptive families, see our Family Advocacy page.


One of the blessings of our Southside neighborhood is getting the opportunity to serve people who are often underserved and overlooked. In almost every gathering place in every city there will be people made in God's image who are experiencing homelessness. Jesus makes clear that "you will always have the poor with you" (Mk 14:7) and the Proverbs speak of the blessing for those who "give to the poor" and the curse for those "who hide their eyes" from them (Prov 28:27). If you want to better equipped in how to minister to and love those who are experiencing homelessness, please reach out to Katie Pederson.


To invest in the next generation of leaders in the city, Iron City Church partners with Aspire Movement. Aspire Movement is always searching for volunteers who want to make a difference in the lives of youth through mentoring. 

Aspire mentors and mentees experience personal transformation in the areas of mental, spiritual, physical and social (Luke 2:52) development through Life-on-Life Mentoring, Small Group Mentoring, Summer Camps, College Trips, Career Development, Leadership Development, and a network of resources to shape students' identity, purpose and destiny. For more information or to sign up to serve, please contact Sam Sharples.


Did you know Southside Baptist hosts the longest running food bank in Birmingham? Iron City has the amazing opportunity to help run and lead this food bank that serves our city, and it’s a wonderful way to be the hands and feet of Jesus to our community. The food bank takes place every other Thursday out of the gym at Southside Baptist. Any time you can give is helpful. Even one hour of help makes a huge difference! Sign up for an upcoming serve date HERE. Questions? Reach out to Melissa Robillard for more information.